Outsourcing 6 Things To Get More Time Every Day

Every business owner is wearing multiple hats every day. You are responsible for all aspects of keeping your business running efficiently. The problem is you need more hands to get it all done in a reasonable amount of time. Hiring permanent staff might be an option, but there are Human Resource requirements to consider, labor law to adhere to and lots of necessary training. Therefore, how do you get help when you need it most?
Outsourcing Gives Back Time
Outsourcing is a valuable tool for the busy entrepreneur. It gives you some flexibility to hire help when you need it. Moreover, it can alleviate the need for you to touch every piece of your business, whether you’re good at the task or not. There is waste in time because you spend time on things you don’t like to do and ultimately, there is no more time to go out and get more business. Therefore, I’ve put together a list of 6 tasks that, in my opinion, are essential for small business owners to outsource if they want to grow their business.
1. Administrative Work: Day to day tasks are repetitive and time consuming. More importantly, they take away from you being able to run your business. Therefore, outsource tasks like answering calls, replying to emails, scheduling appointments and any internal processes you have in your business. If someone else is taking care of those tasks, it frees you up to meet potential new clients and create more business opportunities.
2. Website Maintenance: So many business owners want to manage their own website. To a fault, they are spending hours of wasteful energy selecting stock images or rewriting content. However, if you hire a professional who works on websites all the time, they are more efficient at doing your task list. Outsource your website updates and you’ll create more time to focus on money-making activities.
3. Social Media Management: Social media plays a huge role in just about any business. So, yes, it is important to devote a certain amount of time keeping your brand in front of potential customers. However, you will be better off assigning this to someone who is proficient in social media management. They will take the pressure off you to “come up with something to post everyday”. Again, you can spend that extra time focusing on tasks that generate income.
4. Tax and Accounting Work: You aren’t an expert at tax law. Moreover, you aren’t a bookkeeper. Yet, you are spending hours compiling your receipts and cross referencing your bank statements. You may spend hours trying to reconcile that $0.57 because your “books don’t balance”. It’s such a waste of your precious hours. Rather, outsource your accounting to a professional accounting and tax firm that takes those chores off your monthly task list. By outsourcing, your accounting will stay up to date monthly. Moreover, you don’t need to remember when and what needs submission to the IRS. Less hassle for you. More time to build your business. See what our client’s have to say about us.
5. Marketing There are marketing specialists that can manage a small campaign or become an extension of your company and work on your annual marketing plans. It depends on how much marketing you plan to do and how much you have within your budget. However, as a business owner, you shouldn’t be doing this alone. Marketing takes so much time to create and execute that it steals times from you being available to generate income. Rather outsource this, either in a small campaign or long term commitment to someone who has experience in bringing your business marketing results.
6. Techie Stuff: There is nothing worse than trying to figure out why your laptop is giving you the dreaded “blue screen”. You may spend wasteful hours researching possible solutions from the internet and fiddling with the hardware. Rather, opt to outsource information technology (IT) duties to someone who has experience in fixing computers, setting up routers for internet connection and keeping your conference call phone working. They will save you hours of time and frustration.
Get Results Fast!
At first, it may appear that outsourcing is expensive and outside of your reach. However, with dedication to building your business and increasing your revenues, you will find that you need more hands to help you. Without the hassle of hiring in permanent staff, outsourcing is a quick and easy way to get results fast.
At Paragon Accounting & Tax Solutions, we love to see businesses grow. We grow side-by-side with you. As your circumstances change, we work with you to find solutions that improve your cash flow and give you back more time each day. Contact us today to find out how we can be your outsourcing partner for tax and accounting services. We love working with businesses in Acworth, GA; Kennesaw, GA; Woodstock, GA; Canton, GA; Milton, GA; Alpharetta, GA; and Roswell, GA.